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11:31 pm - Thursday, Jul. 07, 2005
the great return
my mom and viv just left for the first audition of that singing
competition that is threatening my baby shower.
i guess it's called "something creek idol".
last night i tried to help viv pick out and outfit to wear, but her
and mom shunned my sense of style and went for something more "folky".
Geez, that poor girl.
Anyhow, last night on my way to bed, i walked down the dark hallway to
April's room where i am sleeping.
I stepped on something moist..."eew"
and then i kept walking, almost at the bedroom door i stepped on
something else wet. "eeek! mom there's something wet out here!"
"oh that's from vivien's shower."
But it didn't feel like water on the rug, it was chunky and damp.
I was positive i had stepped in cat puke.
I was searching for the hallway light switch, and I stepped in it again.
My mom flipped the switch and I saw...guts. little rodent intestines
all over the carpet and on the bottom of my foot.
fucking awful.
I washed my foot off, put on some flip flops and mom and I searched
for the remaining mouse/chipmunk/bat/chupacabra.
we found nothing, but Uma smacking her chops, and Geronimo looking as
though he'd been beaten. I assume they had been fighting over the



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